Cosmetic Grade Coconut Oil 1 Liter

 1,800 9,000
  • A Cosmetic Grade Coconut oil used in cosmetic items.
  • Cosmetic grade coconut oil is a pure, high-quality oil derived from fresh coconut meat through processes like cold pressing or fractionation.
  • Used in skincare and haircare products, it hydrates, softens, and protects skin and hair without clogging pores.
  • With its long shelf life and suitability for various skin types, it’s a popular choice in the cosmetics industry.

  • Nationwide Delivery within 5-6 Working Days.
  • Shipping costs add/change according to area or weight.
  • For Assistance: Call/Whatsapp Us At +92 322 7727337


Cosmetic grade coconut oil, also known as virgin coconut oil or fractionated coconut oil, is a versatile and popular ingredient in the beauty and skincare industry. It is derived from the meat or kernel of mature coconuts through processes such as cold pressing or fractionation.

Purity and Quality: Cosmetic grade coconut oil is known for its purity and high quality. It is often free from additives, chemicals, and artificial fragrances, making it suitable for various cosmetic applications.

Benefits for Skin and Hair: Cosmetic grade coconut oil is renowned for its moisturizing and nourishing properties. It contains essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants that help hydrate, soften, and protect the skin and hair. It is often used in various skincare products such as moisturizers, creams, lotions, and hair conditioners.

  1. Appearance and Texture: It usually has a clear to slightly cloudy appearance, depending on the processing method. The texture of cosmetic grade coconut oil is lightweight, non-greasy, and easily absorbed into the skin, making it ideal for use in cosmetic formulations.
  2. Odor: Virgin coconut oil typically has a mild and pleasant coconut aroma, which adds a subtle tropical scent to cosmetic products. However, if the oil undergoes further processing, such as fractionation, it may have a neutral odor or be odorless.

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